Friday Product Post


LUCY 发布于 2018-02-03 14:05


Hello My dear friends! How is your micro:bit study going? I guess you might have already matered the basic programming skills now and feel itch to do some projects. Well, it's Friday again. Let's find something new for our next project!

Look! What a cute small elephant it is! This small car is made of micro:bit. With two octopus hunt sensors in the front, it can smell the odor of line and march on according to the direction of line. Inside the small elephant car, we have added a ring:bit board to lead out three GPIO ports, among which two GPIO are used for driving two servos and the other one is undefined. You can program for this car, or just change the shell by telling us to custom-made a shell of your favorite cartoon figures like a dear, a pig, a cat, and so on. Just move your hands to make one!

Actually it is a group of 5 separate LEDs. On each one mini round PCB panel, there is a LED bead. It is smaller than a coin. You can plug these mini LED boards into other modules by welding some pins. Once being powered up, it can emit light with high saturated and bright color. You can program to control its color. The effect is quite good!

This is a normal watch band with a crystal acrylic case. It is used for making a DIY micro:bit watch or other micro:bit wearable devices. You can create a micro:bit watch by your own and fit it into the crystal case.
Here we have two relative cases for your reference.
Make A Compass with Your Micro:bit
Make a Wearable Pedometer with Micro:bit

That's all for our new products of this week. If one of these products inspires your creativity, just don't hesitate to add it into cart and note down your idea. If you want to find more products, you can visit our store. There must be one you will like!







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