Friday Product Post: TMP36 Temperature Sensor Brick & DC Voltmeter
LUCY 发布于 2018-02-03 13:58

Hello my friends! Nice to see you on Friday! Today we will continue to introduce some useful electronic components for you. Hope you like it!
This is one of our newly developed octopus series of bricks. It is compatible with BBC micro:bit. By its name, we know this brick has something to do with temperature. Yes, it is a component used to test your surrounding temperature. It has low voltage comsuption and accurate centigrade output. You don't have to do any external calibration before use. Just connect it to your device directly and see its read. Don't just look at its small size! It is powerful enough to help you test the temperature range from -40 °C to +125 °C!
This is a small component too! From its outlook, you might think of it as a simple digital tube display. But it is a small voltage meter. You can use it to test the voltage range from 0V to 100V. It is quite stable with good accuracy. With the standard overall dimension, you can easily install it to your device. Besides, it has reverse polarity protection, which means it can protect your electric components from short circuit or damage when the positive and negative polar are wrongly connected. Isn't it powerful?
The above all are our new products today. Which one do you like most? If you feel like to know more about our products, you can visit our store. I am sure you will find more useful products there!
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